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The kitchen is the very heart of family life, it’s where many of life’s lessons are learned. Cooking and baking provide the perfect combination of fun and creativity, and it’s a great way to teach children about the food they eat. Tots n’ Pots offers fun, hands on workshop dedicated to providing Moms, Dads or Granny’s some valuable time with their child as well as the opportunity to create memorable moments. The workshops allow your child to be creative whilst having fun… and the best part… you can leave the mess to us!
The kitchen is the very heart of family life, it’s where many of life’s lessons are learned. Cooking and baking provide the perfect combination of fun and creativity, and it’s a great way to teach children about the food they eat. Tots n’ Pots offers fun, hands on workshop dedicated to providing Moms, Dads or Granny’s some valuable time with their child as well as the opportunity to create memorable moments. The workshops allow your child to be creative whilst having fun… and the best part… you can leave the mess to us!
During the workshops kiddies learn a whole variety of skills such as fine motor development, speech development, perceptual skills, bilateral integration and sequencing skills, through: mixing, weighing, mashing, pouring and stirring. We introduce fun and creative recipes each week in our workshops, some interesting facts about the food they are preparing and useful tips & fun recipes are available for Moms to take home with them! Tots n Pots also provides a great platform for Moms to meet and socialize with other Moms.

From Johannesburg take Von Wielligh St to Stott Rd.
Get on Francois Oberholzer Fwy/M2 in Johannesburg.
Take De Villiers Graaff Motorway/M1, Barry Hertzog Ave and 1st Ave to Robin Hood Rd in Randburg
Drive to Oak Ave.